Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Getting Started

Employees who are new to working with our clinical trials should complete the steps below.

 Obtain a NetID

A NetID is your electronic identity at Northwestern. The most common format of a NetID is a combination of three letters (often related to your name) and three numbers. Your NetID will allow access to systems that are essential to your participation in clinical research, including NOTIS (Northwestern Oncology Trial Information System) and our electronic Institutional Research Board (eIRB).

Deans, directors and department chairs can request NetIDs for University guests, affiliates and departments.

Your permission can be obtained from one of the contacts below.

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
Marianne G. Kaplan 

Feinberg School of Medicine
Michelle Mathey 

NMH Office of Research
Mary Jo Nutter

For NM appointments (if you do not have an appointment in Feinberg or NMH), your administrator will need to send an email on your behalf to that includes the following information:

  • Full name (including middle initial, if applicable)
  • Affiliation to NU (why the NetID is needed; e.g., eIRB access and/or NOTIS access)
  • Duration NetID is needed

 Complete CITI training

In order to register with our eIRB, you must complete Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training.

The training can take up to four hours. Please only exit the site once you have obtained documentation of the training. If you are using CTO regulatory services, please promptly send a copy of your training certificate to Ashlee Drawz for our files.

 Request Access to NOTIS

NOTIS is a web-based clinical trial management system used for comprehensively capturing, managing, accessing and mining the data generated by oncology trials through Northwestern University and its affiliated healthcare providers.

To request access to NOTIS please fill out the NetID & NOTIS Access Request Form. Users at collaborating sites should have the Study Number they need access to ready before filling out the form.

NOTIS Training Materials are available here

 Submit Your Protocol

Please submit your new project (letter of intent or full protocol) in NOTIS using the electronic new protocol submission form (eNPSF) for initial processing.

 Secure Approval for Cancer-Relevant Research

As part of its designation as a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer center, the Lurie Cancer Center must maintain a comprehensive review and monitoring system. This system includes the Scientific Review Committee (SRC). All new cancer-relevant studies must receive SRC approval prior to IRB submission. Cancer-relevant research will include retrospective reviews, lab-based research, industry and investigator-initiated trials. Lurie Cancer Center sign-off in eIRB is dependent upon SRC approval.

For further information on the review and approval process and SRC requirements, please visit the Research Oversight page.

 Use CTO Services

The CTO offers a variety of services for cancer-relevant trial management.

To learn more about the financial support services offered by the CTO (budget preparation, contract preparation, paying bills, invoicing sponsors), contact Hugh Anderson or Carlos Matesanz.

To learn more about the clinical study coordination and data management services offered by the CTO, contact Cary Passaglia.

To learn more about the regulatory services (e.g., consent preparation, initial IRB submission, SAE reporting, continuing review, record entry and maintenance) offered by the CTO, contact Ashlee Drawz.