Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
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Cancer Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics Members

The Cancer Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics (CEND) program focuses on how nuclear dynamics and information flow within the cell are co-opted in cancer through altered genetic and epigenetic mechanisms.

Adli, Mazhar

Adli, Mazhar

Associate Professor


I obtained my Ph.D. training in cancer biology and postdoc training in the large-scale human genome and epigenome mapping projects provides me a unique set of experimental and analytical skills to exe... [more]

Arango, Daniel

Arango, Daniel

Assistant Professor


We study the mechanisms by which post-transcriptional modifications of RNA regulate mRNA processing, stability, and translation and how this interplay affects cell fate decisions in cancer. By integra... [more]

Awatramani, Raj


The goal of my research is to ensure that cancer center members can utilize the mouse as model system in the most effective manner, with full support from the core on key issues of acquisition, genera... [more]

Bao, Xiaomin

Bao, Xiaomin

Associate Professor


The human body is composed of various morphologically and functionally distinctive cell types, yet they all share the same genome. My group is interested in characterizing how the genome is controlled... [more]

Barish, Grant

Barish, Grant

Associate Professor


The major focus of research in the Barish lab is to discover the epigenomic and transcriptional basis of metabolism and inflammation. Our recent work has helped to reveal the genomic architecture for ... [more]

Bartom, Elizabeth

Bartom, Elizabeth

Assistant Professor


Sequence based assays provide a key window into cellular function, informing research into mutation, transcription, and regulation. I have studied a number of important mutations in cancer genomes, in... [more]

Brickner, Jason


DNA zip codes; these elements, when inserted at an ectopic locus, cause targeting to the nuclear periphery. Interaction of genes with the NPC also impacts the spatial organization of the yeast genome;... [more]

Cao, Qi

Cao, Qi

Associate Professor


I have been working on prostate cancer and epigenetics for over 15 years. My major contributions to the field of prostate cancer and other cancer research include:(1) identification of PcG protein his... [more]

Carthew, Richard


The Carthew laboratory investigates how molecular signals are decoded into information that controls cell differentiation, growth, and morphogenesis during development. One project concerns how th... [more]

Chakravarti, Debabrata (Debu)


My research is focused on understanding epigenetic and transcriptional regulation of human tumorigenesis.  One research projects is focused on understanding the mechanisms that drives the development... [more]