Pathology Core Facility
The Pathology Core Facility (PCF) is a centralized, comprehensive, core laboratory providing histology, immunohistochemistry, molecular analysis and extraction and microscopic evaluation services for human tissue-based studies. We facilitate basic, translational and clinical research at Northwestern University, with laboratories in downtown Chicago.
We are College of American Pathologists (CAP) accredited and CLIA certified with the capability to serve integral marker studies that require biomarker-based treatment arm assignment. In addition to core laboratory services, we perform procurement of fresh biospecimens for clinical trials and biobanking.
Contact Us
- Olson Pavilion, 8-419
710 N. Fairbanks Court
Chicago, IL 60611
- 312-908-1294
- 312-503-1148
Services & Equipment
Key Services
- Histology Lab
- Tissue Microarray Technology
- Immunohistochemistry Lab
- Molecular Lab
- Microscopy Lab
- Biorepository
- Dako Autostainer Link 48
- Leica Microtome RM2255
- Leica Cryostat CM1900
- Sakura VIP 6 Tissue Processor
- Veridiam VTA-100 Semi Automated Tissue Arrayer
- Brooks Life Science Systems SmaRTStore
- Qiagen Inc., QIA Symphony
- AcdBio HybEZ Oven and RNA Scope 2.0
- Hamamatsu K.K. Nanozoomer 2.0 HT
- Amegaview Scientific Corporation AmegaView CMS
- Olympus BX53-5 Head Microscope
Other Equipment
- Automated Nucleic Acid Extractor (Qiagen QIA Symphony)
- Automated Nucleic Acid Retrieval and Storage Unit (SmaRTStore)
- Automated Slide and Cassette Labelers
- Autostainers (Dako [x2] and Leica [x2])
- Cell Counter (Coulter)
- Cell Transfer System (Cytyc ThinPrep)
- Centrifuges (Beckman Coulter [x2], Eppendorf [x4])
- Cryostats (Leica [x2])
- Freezers (-20°C) for short term storage for reagents and antibodies.
- Freezer Monitoring System (Amegaview CMS)
- Quantitative Digital Pathology System (Visiopharm)
- Microscopes (light [x3], fluorescent [x1], multi-headed [x1])
- Microtomes (Leica automated [x3] Leica rotary [x1] Microm rotary [x1])
- Refrigerators (4°C) for IHC, FISH, ISH, and DNA reagents (n=2)
- Tissue microarrayers (Leica [x1] and Veridiam [x1])
- Tissue processors (Leica [x1] and Sakura [x1])
All manuscripts and grants presenting work supported by this core should include the following acknowledgement:
"This work was supported by the Northwestern University Pathology Core Facility and a Cancer Center Support Grant (NCI CA060553)."
Core Navigator